Poet Prashant Bebaar’s debut book ‘Dareeche’ launched by music maestro Anup Jalota


Dareeche, a collection of poems in Hindustani by Prashant 'Bebaar' gets launched by ghazal and bhajan samrat Anup Jalota

Prashant Bebaar, a Hindi-Urdu poet who has been writing for almost two decades has now come up with his debut collection of poems ‘Dareeche’. This collection reached music maestro Anup Jalota in Mumbai and has gained popularity overnight. At a time when Hindi-Urdu literature is seeking revival, more than 1000 copies of Dareeche have been sold out within a month of the launch.


Well known poetry portals like ‘Kavishala’ and ‘Stage' have recommended the poems of Dareeche. Readers have reviewed it as 'Prashant’s debut traverses through the intricate web of myriad emotions hidden in the multiple folds of human life'. 'Dareeche' offers the readers a peep through the windows of life; a life which you might have lived, but in the course of time have forgotten and which is now hidden in your mind somewhere. Interestingly, English trans-literation of each poem is also available in the book which makes it easier to understand for those who are not so thoroughly well versed with Hindi-Urdu or the readers of poetry in English language.

launched by music maestro Anup Jalota

'Dareeche' is officially available on Amazon (Paperback), Google Books (e-Book) as well as publisher’s (Poetry World Organization) portal. Having been an active contributor to literary magazines of India, the author’s talent has been recognized by the awards like PWO Alfaaz and Wingword poetry prize. Prashant Bebaar has composed nearly thousand poems along with few short stories and lyrics.


Link of Dareeche on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3f9hrue

Link of e-Book: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=sJcREAAAQBAJ

Author’s website: www.prashantbebaar.com



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