India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) receives a prestigious grant from the Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) to help with IPv6 Deployment
Call to action: Join our IPv6 Deployment project by subscribing to . The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) is a program dedicated since 2008 to support Internet development in the APAC region. In 2020 four grants were allocated to research and development projects focused on the availability, reliability, and security of the Internet, with a particular focus on practical solutions around operational stability and security. ISIF Asia is a program of the APNIC Foundation. The APNIC Foundation leverages APNIC’s 25+ years of proven technical and developmental leadership in the Internet to build human and community capacity for Internet development in the region. As the Regional Internet address Registry (RIR) for the Asia Pacific, APNIC has a unique position as an authoritative, respected, and trusted not-for-profit. The grant was given to the India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc), a non-p...